My favorite go-to weight to use when I hit the gym is the Kettlebell.   A Kettlebell workout is all I need is to achieve full body conditioning.  Kettlebells are great at building strength, burning fat, building stability and conditioning the entire body.

The main advantage that kettlebells have over regular dumbells are that they have a better-handled grip.  This grip makes handling the bell easier and allows for versatile and explosive workout routines.  I have tried many different kettlebell workout exercises, but the ones I have listed are ones that I enjoy doing to get a full body workout.

Full body Kettlebell Workout Routine

Roc Media Photo: Kettlebell dead lift

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is known as the foundation move.  When executed correctly, the kettlebell swing can have powerful results.  The kettlebell exercise is good for core conditioning strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, full body power and help with fat loss.

  • Grip the kettlebell with both hands by one the handle
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and point feet slightly outward
  • Bend your hips back and swing the weight through your legs and behind you while keeping your lower back flat
  • Bend your knees as necessary and explosively extend your hips to swing the weight up to shoulder level.
  • try not raise the bell above shoulder height


Figure Eight

The Figure Eight is a workout that hits many muscle groups.  Figure eights give you an incredible cardio workout, high mental stimulation, and good overall toning.  The primary muscle targets for this exercise are the hamstrings, biceps, quads and lower back muscles.

  • Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees
  • Grab the kettlebell handle with one hand, and by the bell or bottom with the other hand
  • With the hand at the bottom of the kettlebell, you push out on the kettlebell until your other arm is fully extended
  •  Bring the kettlebell between your legs and where it will be passed on to the other hand,
  • Once it is in the other hand, lift the kettlebell up and bring it back to starting position in a swing-like motion
  • repeat motion for the numbered amount of reps


Kettlebell Goblet Squat and Press

The Goblet squat and press combined movement target the legs, glutes, quads, arms, and shoulders.  The added curl helps to reinforce keeping the spine long while holding the squat position.

  • Hold and position the kettlebell with both hands under your chin
  • Twist your feet, so your toes turn out about 30 degrees.
  • Squat down, pushing your knees out so your elbows can move in between them
  • Get low in your squat without losing the arch in your lower back
  • Keeping elbows in and slowly press the weight straight out.
  • While squatting, keep your eyes focused on the top of the handle, draw the weight back to your chest
  • return up to starting position.

Around the World Body Pass

The Around the World Body Pass helps to work your abs, shoulders, and glutes.  The twisting movements work to engage your core muscles.  The heavier the kettlebell, the more challenging the workout.

  • Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart
  • begin with the kettlebell in front of you holding with both hands
  • Release one hand and use the other to move it behind your back
  • Then at the same time, move your free hand behind your back and pass the kettlebell to it
  • Move the kettlebell back in front of you and hand it off back to the other hand.
  • Continue circling the kettlebell from hand to hand around your body for your numbered reps
  • Reverse the direction and do the same

Remember to hold your core tight as it will help to stabilize your lower back.  Always keep an upright position to gain momentum on each pass and extend arms fully.


Kettlebell Deadlift is another perfect full body work.  Although this movement targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core,  its ability to hit every muscle in your body allows you to increase your flexibility and burn more calories.

  •  Place kettlebell between your feet to begin.
  • Assume a squat position by bending your knees and grip the kettlebell with both hands.
  • Keep your spine in a neutral position.
  • Tighten your glutes and core, and raise your body with your arms extended
  • Power forward and up by pushing through your feet, allowing the kettlebell to raise naturally
  • With your knees bents, as you lower the kettlebell back to the ground, keeping your arms extended through the full motion.

This list sums up my top five full-body kettlebell workout moves.  Always remember to practice proper body mechanics when doing any exercise movements.  Start off with lighter manageable weights and increase the intensity at your comfort level.  Let me know what moves you like the best.

Never stop moving and continue to live a Healthy lifestyle.