I want to confess; the truth is I am trying hard to get my Sexy Abs back after having three kids.  I have come to realize that I won’t ever get back my pre-baby sexy abs, but I will continue to work at it.  When I work out, I do my best to incorporate my sexy ab routine into my sequences of movements.  Having a strong core helps with better posture and stability, and this is doable without boring sit-up routines.

Check out some of my go-to Sexy Abs workout below!


My top Five Sexy Iy-Ab-ulous

Workout Moves

1. V-Sits

This move helps to target your abdominal and back muscles. V-sits are a great challenge for your core and help to zone in on your obliques.

  • To do V-sits, you have to balance on your glutes “buns of steel.”
  • While you are balanced, have your legs and torso elevated off the floor to form a V.
  • Begin by laying flat on your back, while engaging your core and back muscles, lift your legs and chest up to form a V, hold and then release back down to starting position.

Do 15- 20 reps times three sets

Sexy abs V Sit Workout

2. Russian-Twists

The Russian-Twist is one of my favorite abdominal exercises. The Russian-Twist targets the internal and external obliques and contracts while twisting.

  • In a seated position, bend your knees with feet on the floor or elevated if you want more of a challenge.
  • Sit at about a 45-degree angle, contract your abs and twist from side to side touching the floor on each twist.
  • I like to add weights or hold a medicine ball while twisting to increase the level of difficulty.  I enjoy doing this in a seated or a standing position.

Do 15-20 reps per side times  three sets

Sexy abs Russian Twist

3. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are said to one of the best ab exercises.  This move activates the upper, side and deep abdominal muscles.  These crunches also help to tone your quads, hamstrings and thigh muscles.

  • Laying on your back,  place hands behind your head and lift your head and torso off the mat.
  • Have your knees bent, bring your opposite knee towards your opposite elbow and switch and twist back and forth.
  • Mimic riding a bicycle and keep your body at a 90-degree angle during your movements.
  • Remember to keep your core muscles engaged and breathe

Do 15-20 reps per side times three sets

Bicycle Crunches workout

4. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers and I have a love-hate relationship. I just love to hate them but enjoy the benefits.  These climbers provide a complete abdominal and cardio workout. This workout works the entire core and boosts your fats burning abilities.

  • start in a push-up position
  • Keep shoulders directly over your wrists, and engage your core
  • Flex the knee and bring one leg forward until the knee is under the hip
  • Alternate legs like you are running in one place
  • Maintain a straight line from heels to head

Do 15-20 reps per side times three sets

Mounain Climbers Workout

5. Plank-Jacks

I enjoy doing this exercise.  Planks Jacks zone in and engage the core muscles as well as the glutes muscles.

  • bring your body into a plank (harder) or push up (easier) position
  • in the plank position,  with feet together, place your forearms on the ground with your elbow directly under shoulders
  • Facing down, jump your legs outward, keeping on your tiptoe and then return them together
  • keep your core tight and engaged in the movement at all times

Do 20 reps times three sets

Plank Jack workout


There you have it!  My top 5 Sexy Iy-Ab-ulous abs workout routine.  Let me know what Ab routine you like best. Until the next workout post, let’s keep moving together!