Ladies we can’t deny the truth. We are always looking for ways to build a bigger, sweeter and firmer bootylicious booty!  We have tried many contraptions, creams, and weights, just to name a few.   The good news is that we don’t need any of those things to get to where we want to be in the booty department.

Building your booty does not require the use of weights at all.  You can mold and tone your glutes using your body weight.  Amazing right??!!!

Body weight exercises help to wake up your booty muscles and also help to sculpt that perfect booty shape.

Booty Building: Muscle Anatomy

  • Gluteus maximum (largest butt muscle)
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus

Booty Building: Gluteus Maximum Exercises

  1. Jump Squats:  Standing with feet shoulder width apart in a regular squat position, engage your core and jump explosively landing back in the starting squat position.
  2. Lunges:  Keep your upper body straight, chin up, shoulder back and look forward.  Engage your core, step forward with one leg, lower hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle then back up to starting position.
  3. Step ups: Using a step or stair ( approx 15 inches from the floor, the higher the step, the bigger the stretch) start with legs hip-distance apart, back straight and arms pointed to the ground.  Step up with one leg keeping the knee and toes aligned.  Press through with your heel while raising the opposite leg high then return to starting position.

Do Sets of 3 per side of 10-15 reps

Booty Building: Gluteus medius Exercises

  1. Glute Bridge: Lay flat on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. With feet flat on the floor, squeeze your glutes while pushing your hips forward off the floor until your body is in a straight line from your knees to shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat.  To challenge yourself you can place your feet on an elevated platform.
  2. Single Leg-Squat: This move works the Glutes Maximus as well but its a perfect target for the Gluteus Medius muscle as well. Stand in front of a chair facing away from it.  Raise one leg off the floor, keeping your balance squat down until you booty touches the chair. Lean forward while pushing through with the planted foot back to a one-legged standing position.  Repeat with the opposite leg.
  3. Fire Hydrant: Position yourself down on your hands and knees on the floor.  Make sure your knees are hip-width apart and your hands directly under your shoulder. Keep your head aligned with your spine and lift one leg out to the side while keeping a 90-degree angle.  Hold for a few seconds and them lower leg back to starting position.  Repeat for opposite leg.

Do Sets of 3 per side of 10-15 reps

Booty Building: Gluteus Minimus Exercises

  1. Crossover Lunges:  WIth the crossover element we can hit this forgotten muscle.  In a standing position, cross one leg over the other leg.  Push your hips back and bend your knee and lower into a lunge position.  When coming back, bring the crossed leg back to your starting position and repeat.
  2. Hip Abduction:  Stand with your feet together, wit back and spine in a neutral position. Keep your core tight, point toes forward and move one leg out sideways to about a 45-degree angle, hold for a few seconds then bring back the floor.  If you have trouble balancing hold onto a chair or a wall if needed. Repeat for the other leg.  Hip abduction can also be done laying on your side.
  3. Side Plank: Lying on your side with your legs straight and stacked on each other, support your body with your forearm and your elbow under the shoulder. Keep your feet in contact with the floor, tighten your core and booty while lifting your hips off the floor. Return to starting position and repeat.

Do Sets of 3 per side of 10-15 reps

There we have it!  These are a few moves that will get you on your way to building a rounder and firmer “assets.”  You will FEEL the burn if its the first time exercising these muscles.  They say no pain no gain, right??!!  Remember,  any exercises that will stimulate your muscles with resistance will encourage growth.  The rest lies in your genetics or shall I say your “jeans”!

Let us all continue to move together!