Flu season is back!  Winter is always a good time to give your immune system that extra kick it needs to keep strong. During the winter months, most individuals are vulnerable to all the viruses that are lurking around. To avoid these nasty bugs, you need to keep our immune systems as healthy as possible so you can avoid being hit by the cold and flu viruses.

As a Healthcare professional, I am around individuals with compromised Immune systems.  I have to make sure that I keep myself as healthy as possible to provide care for them.  This flu season has been at its worst in years. We need to do our best to avoid getting hit by these annoying critters.

Your immune system is your first line of defense against any infections. To help strengthen your immune system and keep it at its best, here are a few things that you can make sure you do on a daily basis.


Immune System Health

Hand Washing

Hand washing is very crucial to stop the spread of the cold and flu.  Even though your hands may seem to be clean, they carry many germs that are transferable.  Your hands are perfect carriers of microscopic organisms that we tend to pass around unknowingly. This is why it is good to practice proper hand washing techniques.

Proper hand washing technique includes lathering your hands with soap and water and adequately scrub for a minimum of 20 seconds. After washing, make sure that your hand gets dried thoroughly. This will keep your hands clean, reduce your risk of picking up and passing on germs to others.

Eating Healthy

What you put into your body has an impact on your health.  To maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your immune system at it best, nourishing your body with the right fuel is significant. Eating healthy is the best way to prepare your body with the proper armor to fight off any attackers on your health system.

Many foods can help jump-start your system. Citrus is beneficial to add to your diet as it has Vitamin C that is a perfect immunity boost and helps to fight off colds.  Foods high in Magnesium such as seeds and nuts also help to boost your system.  There are many more, but these are a quick and easy way to kick-start your defense.

Regular Excercise

I can not stress enough how important exercise is!  No one is saying that you need to exercise excessively, but getting in some form of exercise daily is a start. They say a little exercise goes a long way.  Having a healthy lifestyle plays a major part in keeping your immune system healthy.

Getting out for a half hour walk daily or out to the gym a few times a week is a start.   Home workouts is another alternative if the fitness centers do not appeal to you.  Regular exercise not only helps to boost your immune system by speeding up cell reproduction and circulation but it also improves your cardiovascular health and helps control body weight.  It a WIN-WIN situation!  Let’s get moving.

A Good Nights Sleep

No matter what time of the year it is, getting the proper amount of sleep is another way to help boost your immune health. Sleep requirements differentiate between individuals, but the recommended amount of sleep needed is eight hours.  The bottom line is that everyone needs enough sleep daily to function during the day.  Proper sleep is essential to revive the brain and boost their immune system strength.

Our sleep patterns are controlled by our internal clocks. Making sure you get a full eight hours of sleep helps your body to repair and recharge your energy.  Having a consistent sleep schedule, waking up and going to bed at the same time allows your body to regenerate damaged cells and grow new tissues.

Keep Stress Level Low

Many people do not realize this, but high-stress levels can weaken your immune system. Have you ever noticed that after you have gone through a stressful situation that you become sick?

This is because when you are psychologically upset, your body will show physical symptoms. Your immune system is connected closely to stress levels.  Therefore when your body is stressed, its defense weakens allowing your body to become more susceptible to colds and infections.

A healthy immune system is related to low-stress levels.  Good stress relievers are deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise and the use of essential oils such as lavender.  These are just a few suggestions, but try out what works best for you.

I think having a positive attitude mindset works for me to keep my stress levels low!!

Remember, these suggestions are not only good practice during the winter months but essential to practice throughout the year.  Practice this as a part of your positive lifestyle change all year round, you will notice a difference!