Welcome to 2018 Everyone! It’s a New Year, a new opportunity to set SMART goals and begin writing the first chapter of 2018.

Now let’s not get it twisted, every year, and I mean every single year we all know someone (like ourselves) who makes those same old New Year’s resolutions.  I am sure you have heard some repeated resolutions that go a little something like this… I promise to exercise, I promise to eat healthily, I will lose weight, save money…..and the list goes on.

How many of us can admit to making these so-called “Resolutions”?  Don’t be shy, I see all of you hiding behind the computer screen. There is no need to be ashamed because we all have made those same promises.  We also know that before January 31 rolls along,  the majority of those resolutions we made were broken,  long gone and out the window.  Again, don’t feel bad at all because there is only a small percentage of resolution makers that stick to those resolutions they set.

SHOCKER!!!!!….I think not!

Here is the thing, I am glad that everyone takes those brave first steps to envision a better version of themselves, but without a specific pathway to achieve goals we set ourselves up to fail. I get it, we all want to change and live that life that will make you feel “Iyabulous “all year round.  We can get there with some minor adjustments, just continue reading.

First off, change does not happen overnight.  Change is a gradual adjustment over time.  It takes a minimum of 30 days to change old habits into positive behaviors. Instead of making resolutions that we most likely won’t keep,  make an everyday promise to be better versions of yourself. Discipline is the one thing that will keep you on track to meeting your goal.

Make lifestyle changes not resolutions

  • know what changes you want to focus on and why you want to make those changes
  • Without knowing why you won’t end up getting far in achieving your goal

Making a SMART Plan 


Make sure your goals are specific and significant.  Know what goal you want to achieve and why?  The more specific you are with your goal setting, the more chance you would succeed in reaching it.

Know the 6 W’s: What, Why, Where, Who, When and Which

  • What: What do you want to accomplish
  • Why: What are your specific reasons, benefits, and purpose of accomplishing your goal
  • Where: Where will it take place? Identify a location
  • Who: Who is involved in this goal
  • When: When you want to accomplish your goal byEstablish a time frame
  • Which: What are your requirements and constraints. Identify them
  • Then sum up your goal in about five words


Make your goal measurable, meaningful and motivational.  How do you plan on measuring your goals?  Measurable goals should be clear to motivate you to success.  If you have an unmeasurable goal, it will be hard for you to know if you are making progress. Keeping track of your progress is key. It will also keep you very motivated.


Your goal should be attainable, achievable and action orientated.  An attainable goal is one that can be reached through the actions you have set forth.  Whether it’s reached in a condensed time frame or a lengthy one, the fact that you can achieve it is what counts.  It does not make any sense to set a goal that is not attainable at all.  Setting a goal to save $1000 in one day is far less attainable than setting up a goal to save that $1000 over a longer time frame which can be broken up into more attainable steps.


Goals should also be realistic, rewarding and result-oriented.  This is where your goals come to life.  Ask yourself, if your goal is within reach?  Are you willing to commit to working toward it?  If you believe that your goal can be accomplished, then it is a realistic one.   Make sure your goal embodies sustainable progress.


A good goal should be Time-sensitive and trackable.  Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks timing that is realistic, you probably will not succeed.  Your goal should have a time frame with an actual date of completion. This way you can track your progress which will to push you to that the finish line.  Setting up a goal without a trackable timeline is pointless.    Time-sensitive goals help to serve as a state of urgency. I like to look at it as a good kind of pressure.


Accountability is the last but essential step. Do not be afraid to let that best friend or significant other know what goals you are working toward. They serve as that personal coach to keep you on your toes and push you toward success.  This person will keep you in check, so you do not fall offline to success. Hopefully, you will thank them in the end.

Remember that you can use a SMART plan with anything you wish to work towards at any point of the year. Always focus on setting proper goals. Let’s change New Year’s resolutions to everyday growth promises and let’s all live that Iyabulous life together.