After months of going back and forth, that decision was finally made to say YES to that date with the Gym!  Home workouts was a good idea, but I found that it became too convenient to make excuses on why I  should not work out.

I finally realized it was time, to commit to making positive lifestyle changes.  The inner me decided to get used to that gym membership once and for all.

So I am as ready as I think I will ever be!

I am all decked out. Dressed in my new cute coordinating workout outfits, sweatbands, and fresh kicks.

I am feeling good, and my mood is set! My energy is on point! There is nothing that could stop you now.

I  get to the gym, walk through the gym doors looking cute and think to yourself, OMG!!!

My heart starts beating so fast like I just finished running the Boston Marathon and I say to yourself…WHAT WAS I THINKING?????

Me thinking in my head, I am not running on that treadmill contraption!! What if I fall flat on my face? I don’t want to lift heavy weights to get bulky and end up looking like the Hulk. No way, I am not having it!!!!

My next thought of action is to turn around (with that cute outfit and all) and head right back out the door because after all, I would rather go shopping anyway.

Trust me, We have all been there before at one time or another!

Guess what?  The difference this time is that inner voice told me to suck it up, stay and commit!  It’s time to get that work out on no matter how intimidating it all felt.

I was finally ready to start back on a healthy journey. I made that promise to positive lifestyle changes back in January 2013 and never looked back since.

My journey back to the Gym

Let me take you back a few years.  After having my last child in 2011, I gained a new friend called weight….. aka “baby fat” my new BF.  This BF decided it was its duty to hang around and chill like a BF usually does and keep each other company. Even though my new BF was admittedly comforting, this new relationship had me feeling tired all the time, and I lacked energy overall.

I did not like what I saw and hated how I felt. I was never that type of person to sit still for a long time, but I can admit that I was not very consistent in my everyday physical activities.  At the time I was in my late 30’s. Our metabolic rate slows down as we age, therefore making it harder to get rid of extra and unwanted BF.

Mindset shift

For that reason, I decided it was time to evict that unwanted BF. There was no room for a third wheel in this relationship. So in 2013, I made that decision to get active again.  The new commitment is how my relationship with the Gym began.

Before committing to Gym, I made it my duty to making sure I would get out for daily walks around my neighborhood. It was hard in the colder months, but I did do my best to get out at least.  If I were working, I would take 45 min walks during my lunch hour to get in my steps. Just doing this helped me to increase my energy level.  I started to feel stronger and more aware of the areas that I needed work more on.  It felt good.

Let’s face it, walking into a fitness center and seeing the various amount of monster looking machines and weights can be a bit scary especially if you are not used to it.  The fear of the unknown can get to you.

I am here to tell you it is not scary at all. It just takes a bit of time getting used too. Since 2013, I have committed myself to working out 3-5 times per week.  I use to workout at a bootcamp for two years, and loved it!  Now I attend a local gym.  Taking some of the skills I learned at the bootcamp I now incorporate some of those skills learned into my workouts today.

Remember your smart goals, it will help you develop your plan for healthier living and also guide you into achieving your goals.  Once you start to build your routine, your comfort level will grow, and things would not seem as scary as they did on that first date with the Gym.

Let’s continue to move and feel Iyabulous!!!

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